100 Years

Events and ceremonies are happening over this weekend to mark the 100th anniversary of when Britain, and therefore Canada, entered into the fray of World War 1. It is often remembered that World War 1 was declared to be the war to end all wars. In reality, the world has had wars erupting in various parts of it ever since. Currently the madness of Russian terrorists in Ukraine and the battles between Hamas and Israel gives evidence that people still want to resort to violence and killing as a way to end disputes or to grab land.

I am tired of the rhetoric. Rhetoric from the leaders of those various factions and rhetoric from our own Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, who seem to have no regard for the hundreds of lives lost in Gaza. They speak defending only Israel’s right to retaliate. Newscasts report that over 1300 Palestinians have been killed (many of those are citizens including children) compared to over 50 Israelis. The Israeli army bombed a UN sanctioned protected area in a school filled with Palestinians and our government continues to defend Israel. I agree Hamas are terrorists and that what they are doing is wrong but I wonder where the Israelis (and our government) think the Palestinian citizens are to go to be safe. They are exhibiting a total disregard for human life. I am heart-sick when I see the pictures of the adults weeping and the children cowering in fear.

When I last visited Israel we went to “The Garden Tomb”. It is a lovely garden with areas where groups can gather for prayer. We had a communion service there. As we left I noticed a sign on a rock leaning against a post. It said, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” This comes from Psalm 122 verse 6 and the rest of the verse reads “May those you love be secure.” The Psalmist could have written those words for this very week and could apply it to the whole of that Holy Land.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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