
9/11. Up until twelve years ago those numbers were little more than a date on the calendar. Today as I sat at a meeting the Chairperson said, “Do you remember where you were twelve years ago?”. Without hesitation everyone could answer exactly where they were and how they remembered 9/11, a date that is now seared into history. 9/11 was a day that changed the course of history in North America and had global repercussions.

It is important to hold in prayer and with respect the fammilies of those who lost their lives in this cruel and tragic act of terrorism. At the same time we need to be mindful as to how we move forward in a way of healing and strength.

Phyllis Tickle, author of ‘Emergence Christianity’ points to 9/11 as a watershed moment that has forced Christians to consider how we will live faithfully in a multi-cultural, multi-faith world. She says the bomobing of the twin towers became a flash point for Muslims, Christians and Jews to confront prejudice as well as consider how to keep faith while living as neighbours.

It is easy to fall into pointing to those things that divide us and build walls between us. How better it would be if we could embrace those facets of faith that draw us closer together and use those to strengthen one another rather than fall into suspicion and accusation.9/11 was a day that changed how religions encounter one another and how we will forge a way to live together on our fragile globe.

How do you remeber 9/11? Did it impact your faith in any way?

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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2 Responses to 9/11

  1. CClark says:

    I find it ironic that the Quebec government chooses this inauspicious day to announce their new “Charter of Intolerance”? I am embarrassed to include them in my Canada! Let’s pray that sober thought prevails and the PQ is sent packing with their charter.

  2. Nancy says:

    Thanks for the comment Colin. I too have been dismayed and disappointed by this proposed action.

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