
I did the preaching here on Sunday. Since I reduced my work to half-time I preach only 8 times a year. I miss preaching as I have always enjoyed that part of ministry and so feel genuinely excited when I get to take my turn in the pulpit. The scripture reading was Jesus calling Simon and Andrew, James and John the four men he noticed fishing on Lake Galilee. I spoke on ‘Vocation’ and ‘Occupation’ and how they can be similar and how they are different. I also talked about our call as disciples of Jesus doing what we do right where we do it. I challenged the notion that Jesus asked those four fisherman to leave all they knew behind. Rather, he asked them to use what they already knew and live it out in their commitment to God. Then I gave HOMEWORK! Yep, right there in the sermon I gave HOMEWORK! People don’t generally expect to get HOMEWORK at church but I gave it to them anyway.

The task, the assignment, was to spend some time over lunch talking with the others at the table. The topic was “Here’s what I do well and here’s how I am doing this for God because I am a follower Jesus.” I said, if they were eating alone then they were to think on that and then phone a friend and talk it over with the friend and then, finally, they were to drop me a note or email to tell me. WOW! I have had some great responses. People have taken this seriously and have shared with me their passions, their commitment, their discipleship. It has been wonderful to read how people see God calling in their own life experience and to realize the breadth of the activity that is being lived out as people keep faith.

I know, I know, you want me to give you some examples now don’t you? One notes her good listening skills and that she often will keep in touch with someone who has shared a struggle, just to see how they are doing. Another spoke of his commitment to encouraging others, saying that people often need to hear a word of encouragement. Another spoke of building relationship with a son and working on a joint project to empower and support that parent-son relationship. Another spoke of a love of dance and how dance brought joy into her life and into the lives of others. One wrote of a deep commitment to nature and feeding and photographing birds thereby creating a symbiotic relationship with God’s creation. Oh such moving and profound responses.

So dear reader, what about you? How would you answer the HOMEWORK assignment? What is it you are especially good at and how are you using that gift or ability for God? I look forward to reading your comments.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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2 Responses to Homework

  1. Janet Duval says:

    I like writing, so I’m a gadfly. I write to politicians regularly, especially on climate change and indigenous issues. And I’m on Amnesty International’s Urgent Action email list to bother dictators when they mistreat people.

    • Nancy Knox says:

      You are an excellent writer and God’s world needs people like you to continue to raise the issues. Keep up the good work!

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