
I have a kind of secret love of poetry. It is a love that has come along in the last decade or so. When we took poetry in school we had to parse it and dissect it and explain it. But poetry is at its best when it just washes over you and leaves you open-mouthed at its beauty.

I get a daily email that always begins with a poem. Sometimes I love the poem so much I have to print it off and read it over and over. Sometimes, I wonder ‘How can I work that poem into the Sunday service?’ because, I think more people should hear it and know it. In my youth I had a time of writing poetry but it was the love-sick doggerel that many teens scribble out. It was not the deep, reflective, beautiful combining of words to stir images that good poetry is made of.

And now, as I think about it, poetry is more than words. Poetry is beauty. Poetry is something that stirs the soul. Poetry is a canoe paddle slicing the water. Poetry is the dancer raising his arms in perfect symmetry. Poetry is the choir of voices that harmonize together and end the note at the exact same second. Poetry is the face of a baby who just learned how to smile. Poetry is the aged couple who look into each others eyes and nod knowingly. Poetry is the V of geese flying overhead. Poetry is the sparkle of sun on water. Poetry is the embrace of lovers who have been separated. Poetry is the word of scripture at the time of loss. Poetry is the blend of spices that make the curry. Poetry is all around as it is in the words of ancient poets and modern-day rappers.

Poetry lifts the soul and stir the imagination.

Read a poem today.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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