SGN – saw this on one of those many heartfelt and encouraging YouTube videos that are floating around Facebook these days. SGN stands for Some Good News. While we need to take seriously the global situation, we also need to look for, and celebrate, signs of good news. There are lots of great, heartening stories out there amidst the worry and fear. I have seen some SGN by just looking out my window and strolling around my yard. Are you ready for them? Here they are …

SGN – A pair of mourning doves have been swooning in and around my windows. They are clearly looking for a place to nest as they coo their mournful sound. Mr Cardinal, in his brilliant red, his comb neatly in place was playing peek-a-boo with his partner dressed in her muted browns. The blue jays with their usual brashness were careening through the pine trees. The birds are busy with the ‘birds and the bees’. The snow has receded to small humps here and there and the bulbs that I planted just before frost last fall are poking their noses through the ground and snow drops – a new addition to my garden this spring – are valiantly blooming.

SGN – People are finding ways to connect that they never imagined. Our Prayer Network met on Zoom this morning. The choir will have a hymn sing by Zoom on Thursday night. Our ministry team is planning our Palm Sunday service to upload to YouTube. The florist is still able to provide Palm branches as long as I pick them up from their front step. We are learning and doing things we never imagined possible even a month ago.

SGN – I am listening to CD’s I haven’t listened to for ages. Charlotte Church singing ‘Pia Jesu’. Barbara Streisand singing ‘Holy Ground’. Willie Nelson singing ‘Blue Spanish Eyes’. SO sentimental and heartening. I am watching YouTubes by creative talk show hosts and musicians offering their talents freely and gladly to cheer whoever might watch.

SGN – The amazing teams of medical front line workers, many with young children at home, who show up for work every day risking their own health for the well being of others. The grocery stores who quickly and efficiently installed plexiglass barriers for their staff and put tape on the floor to direct social distancing.

SGN – remembering the bible verse my mother would quote every year at this time of year … “For lo the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in the land.” Song of Solomon 2:11

It is easy to feel down and overwhelmed and sometimes we just need to be attentive to see the slightest SGN. Go look … and let me know what you find …

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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One Response to SGN

  1. Lynn Liddell says:

    First I love that John Krazynski is doing that show SGN – who better? Secondly:(and maybe thirdly and fourthly) I have noticed all that you have noticed and I wonder if I would have noticed them last year? I’m thinking if I noticed them it wasn’t with the excitement, joy and expectation of this year. Spring – an awakening – a newness – in all of this darkness I am looking forward to the warmth of the sun and the excitement of “look, there are leaves on the trees”.
    Last year we had a robin nest on our porch…I want her to come back. A “bird” friend of mine said it was a little early as they are still “courting and territory establishing”. I will put a welcome sign out tomorrow.
    I hold on to “a beginning, a middle and an end”.

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