
The citizens of Ontario have learned that the cancellation of proposed power plants, cancelled it would seem for political expediency, will cost close to a billion dollars. The Prime Minister pirogued parliament in the vain hope that Canadians would forget about the Senate scandal. (Does he think we are that stupid?) Meanwhile south of the border the American government is paralyzed because of a political deadlock and most of their federal employees can’t go to work and won’t get paid and many services are closed down.

What is wrong with the ‘leaders’ of these North American countries? Is political maneuvering more important than respecting and serving the citizens of the country? I think it is shameful that our governments have put political expediency ahead of good governing. Shameful.

Good governance is important for the smooth running of a country and it requires respect of its people. What I am seeing is bad and expensive decisions, dishonest political expediency and disrepect for the citizens of the land. Maybe for Thanksgiving many of our politicians should eat crow instead of turkey.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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