Small Group Power

We have a Book Club at the church. It has been running for quite a few years now and has grown from a few readers to a potential group of about 30. This morning there were 19 of us gathered to discuss the book of the month which was “The Illegal” by Lawrence Hill. As always it was a spirited and deep discussion about a book that brought out a range of reactions, ideas and opinions. The conversation ranged through a variety of topics and at the end we agreed it had been two hours that made us think deeply about a vital topic.

Over the years I have come to realize the incredible power of small groups. Gathering in a safe place with trusted companions offers the opportunity to enlarge our thinking, face our doubts, embrace our beliefs, and boost our spirits. There are many ways we practice our spirituality. Some feel nurtured on the hiking trail, in the canoe, on the golf course. Many find the way to draw close to God is in a holy place, a sanctuary, a chapel, a synagogue, a mosque. Some feel strengthened in reading inspirational writing, the Bible, a devotional, a reflection. And some of us also get fed in conversation with others who embrace our opinions and thoughts and also challenge them.

A small group of gathered people always reminds me of the words attributed to Jesus, “When two or three are gathered in my name I am there in the midst of them.” The presence of the holy felt real to me this morning as we struggled over ideas of enmeshed systems, strengthening relationships, good and evil. At times it was tough to find the words, at other times it was good to laugh and agree life is filled with challenge and goodness.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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One Response to Small Group Power

  1. Leslie Michalak says:

    This was said so beautifully; I agree whole-heartedly!

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