The Flag is Down

The Canadian flag that has flown in Afghanistan for over a decade was lowered and packed for home this week. I thought about writing a post mid-week but I needed to sit with it a bit. I am not sure what to make of the quagmire that is Afghanistan nor what to think of the role Canada played in it.

When it was decided that Canada would send troops I was optimistic that we could make a difference. I argued with friends that we could not sit by and do nothing. Now I am not so convinced that what we did was right. The Canadian effort in Afghanistan resulted in over 150 Canadians killed, many wounded and who knows how many dealing with demons for the rest of their lives. And then there is the whole discussion about how to best care for and support the troops now that they are home (and the poor job our government is doing!). As well, long-term stability and peace in Afghanistan is unlikely at best. The Taliban has its grip on so many aspects of that country that I think it likely that once the foreign troops pull out the country will just regress to deep turmoil and oppression.

Should we have done anything? Should we have done nothing? Does war ever solve the problem? If so, is it worth the cost? These are the questions I have been reflecting on this week. Jesus said a lot about making peace and seeking justice. What do you think he might have said about the war in Afghanistan?

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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