Three Parent Baby

Yesterday the British Parliament passed legislation to allow scientists to use the DNA from three people in order to genetically modify human embryos and thereby prevent inherited diseases. Britain becomes the world’s first nation to allow genetic modification in humans.

The British Health Minister, Jane Ellison told the House of Commons that “This is a bold step to take, but it is a considered and informed step.” The rationale to support this decision is that genetic modification can prevent the pain and suffering that comes with genetic diseases. But critics say it crosses a “red line”, with unforeseen potential health risks and consequences.

Medical Science has always forced us to wrestle with ethics. Is it ever possible to ‘know too much’ and to interfere with nature? Psalm 139:13 says, “You created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” How do we as Christians reconcile the amazing and beneficial discoveries that come to us in medical research without feeling that we have crossed that “red line”? Every day I see people who have benefitted from the remarkable developments that have come with modern medicine but what is the tipping point when we say this is one step too far or is there such a place?

I’m curious to know what you think.

About Nancy

Nancy is a United Church minister. She has been in ministry over for 40 years navigating the changing waters of faith and culture.
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One Response to Three Parent Baby

  1. stan hunter says:

    If ever there was a blog entry that should encourage more than one response it would be this one. Nancy, you ask a very deep question for which I would say there is no clear answer for all readers. We interfere with nature all the time in various degrees simply by existing, and for some the least interference the better, shunning vaccines and modern lifestyle. Others consider it their privilege to alter life as they see fit.

    An interesting quote in the paper today reads “where humour and love abide, creation bears fruit”. You are right to bring up Psalm 139 and indeed your knowledge and use of the text is why I find your ‘ramblings’ so pertinent. Ultimately no matter how we live this life we can not escape death and it would be my personal goal to live well enough to enhance the life of others accordingly and to be grateful for those I have known who have touched my live.

    Does anyone else feel the same?

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